Black Hat USA 2019 Briefings一览



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Briefings 在 8.7~8.8 举行,共 21 类,123 个议题


  • Malware 6
  • Exploit Development 17
  • Platform Security 13
  • Community 8
  • Applied Security 21
  • Hardware/Embedded 17
  • Human Factors 12
  • Cyber Insurance 3
  • Reverse Engineering 11
  • Web AppSec 15
  • Enterprise 12
  • Internet of Things 8
  • Cryptography 5
  • Mobile 12
  • Policy 12
  • Security Development Lifecycle 11
  • Smart Grid/Industrial Security 5
  • Data Forensics/Incident Response 9
  • Network Defense 13
  • Bug Bounty 3
  • Keynote 1


Titles Speakers Tracks
1 Flying a False Flag: Advanced C2, Trust Conflicts, and Domain Takeover GitHub Nick Landers Malware
2 Battle of Windows Service: A Silver Bullet to Discover File Privilege Escalation Bugs Automatically Wenxu Wu Exploit Development,Platform Security
3 Hacking Your Non-Compete Brian Dykstra,Gregory Stone Community
4 He Said, She Said – Poisoned RDP Offense and Defense Eyal Itkin,Dana Baril Exploit Development,Applied Security
5 Lessons and Lulz: The 5th Annual Black Hat USA NOC Report Bart Stump,Neil Wyler Applied Security
6 Biometric Authentication Under Threat: Liveness Detection Hacking Zhuo Ma,Bin Ma,Yu Chen Hardware/Embedded,Human Factors
7 How Do Cyber Insurers View The World? Matt Prevost Cyber Insurance
8 Hunting for Bugs, Catching Dragons 对 Outlook/Exchange 漏洞及利用的总结 Nicolas Joly Reverse Engineering,Exploit Development
9 Internet-Scale Analysis of AWS Cognito Security Andres Riancho Web AppSec,Enterprise
10 Moving from Hacking IoT Gadgets to Breaking into One of Europe’s Highest Hotel Suites Michael Huebler,Ray . Hardware/Embedded,Internet of Things
11 Messaging Layer Security: Towards a New Era of Secure Group Messaging Katriel Cohn-Gordon,Raphael Robert,Benjamin Beurdouche Applied Security,Cryptography
12 Bypassing the Maginot Line: Remotely Exploit the Hardware Decoder on Smartphone Peter Pi,Xiling Gong Exploit Development,Mobile
13 The Cyber Shell Game – War, Information Warfare, and the Darkening Web Alexander Klimburg Policy
14 Cybersecurity Risk Assessment for Safety-Critical Systems Daniel Johnson,Ken Heffner,Ly Vessels Security Development Lifecycle,Smart Grid/Industrial Security
15 ClickOnce and You’re in - When Appref-ms Abuse is Operating as Intended William Burke Human Factors,Applied Security
16 Deconstructing the Phishing Campaigns that Target Gmail Users Daniela Oliveira,Elie Bursztein Human Factors
17 Detecting Deep Fakes with Mice Alex Comerford,Jonathan Saunders,George Williams Human Factors,Data Forensics/Incident Response
18 Defense Against Rapidly Morphing DDOS Mikhail Fedorov,Mudit Tyagi Enterprise,Network Defense
19 Detecting Malicious Files with YARA Rules as They Traverse the Network David Bernal Data Forensics/Incident Response,Network Defense
20 Going Beyond Coverage-Guided Fuzzing with Structured Fuzzing Jonathan Metzman Security Development Lifecycle
21 Paging All Windows Geeks – Finding Evil in Windows 10 Compressed Memory Dimiter Andonov,Omar Sardar Reverse Engineering,Data Forensics/Incident Response
22 MINimum Failure - Stealing Bitcoins with Electromagnetic Fault Injection Colin O’Flynn Mobile,Hardware/Embedded
23 PeriScope: An Effective Probing and Fuzzing Framework for the Hardware-OS Boundary Dokyung Song Platform Security,Mobile
24 Reverse Engineering WhatsApp Encryption for Chat Manipulation and More Oded Vanunu,Roman Zaikin Reverse Engineering,Web AppSec
25 Legal GNSS Spoofing and its Effects on Autonomous Vehicles Victor Murray Hardware/Embedded,Internet of Things
26 Transparency in the Software Supply Chain: Making SBOM a Reality Allan Friedman Security Development Lifecycle,Policy
27 Monsters in the Middleboxes: Building Tools for Detecting HTTPS Interception Gabriele Fisher,Luke Valenta Web AppSec,Network Defense
28 Attack Surface as a Service Anna Westelius Web AppSec
29 Death to the IOC: What’s Next in Threat Intelligence Bhavna Soman Enterprise,Data Forensics/Incident Response
30 GDPArrrrr: Using Privacy Laws to Steal Identities James Pavur Human Factors,Policy
31 SSO Wars: The Token Menace Oleksandr Mirosh,Alvaro Munoz Enterprise,Web AppSec
32 Mobile Interconnect Threats: How Next-Gen Products May be Already Outdated Guillaume Teissier Exploit Development,Network Defense
33 On Trust: Stories from the Front Lines Jamil Farshchi Enterprise
34 Shifting Knowledge Left: Keeping up with Modern Application Security Fletcher Heisler,Mark Stanislav Human Factors,Security Development Lifecycle
35 APIC’s Adventures in Wonderland Frank Block,Oliver Matula Exploit Development,Network Defense
36 Testing Your Organization’s Social Media Awareness Jacob Wilkin Human Factors
37 The Future of Securing Intelligent Electronic Devices Using the IEC 62351-7 Standard for Monitoring Younes Dragoni,Alessandro Di Pinto,Andrea Carcano Smart Grid/Industrial Security
38 Attacking and Defending the Microsoft Cloud (Office 365 & Azure AD) Mark Morowczynski,Sean Metcalf Network Defense,Enterprise
39 WebAuthn 101 - Demystifying WebAuthn Christiaan Brand Web AppSec,Applied Security
40 Woke Hiring Won’t Save Us: An Actionable Approach to Diversity Hiring and Retention Rebecca Lynch Policy,Community
41 100 Seconds of Solitude: Defeating Cisco Trust Anchor With FPGA Bitstream Shenanigans Ang Cui,Richard Housley,Jatin Kataria Reverse Engineering,Hardware/Embedded
42 Attacking Electric Motors for Fun and Profit Duminda Wijesekera,Matthew Jablonski Internet of Things,Smart Grid/Industrial Security
43 All Your Apple are Belong to Us: Unique Identification and Cross-Device Tracking of Apple Devices Xiaolong Bai,Min Zheng Applied Security,Mobile
44 Behind the Scenes: The Industry of Social Media Manipulation Driven by Malware Olivier Bilodeau,Masarah Paquet-Clouston Malware,Human Factors
45 Breaking Through Another Side: Bypassing Firmware Security Boundaries from Embedded Controller Alexandre Gazet,Alex Matrosov Platform Security,Reverse Engineering
46 Denial of Service with a Fistful of Packets: Exploiting Algorithmic Complexity Vulnerabilities David Renardy,Nathan Hauke Exploit Development,Web AppSec
47 Information Security in the Public Interest Bruce Schneier Policy,Community
48 Planning a Bug Bounty: The Nuts and Bolts from Concept to Launch Adam Ruddermann Bug Bounty
49 Dragonblood: Attacking the Dragonfly Handshake of WPA3 Mathy Vanhoef Network Defense,Cryptography
50 Exploiting the Hyper-V IDE Emulator to Escape the Virtual Machine Joe Bialek Platform Security,Exploit Development
51 Playing Offense and Defense with Deepfakes Matt Price,Mike Price Human Factors
52 Project Zero: Five Years of ‘Make 0Day Hard’ Ben Hawkes Platform Security,Exploit Development
53 Hacking for the Greater Good: Empowering Technologists to Strengthen Digital Society Eva Galperin,Camille Francois,Bruce Schneier Community
54 Rough and Ready: Frameworks to Measure Persistent Engagement and Deterrence Neil Jenkins,Jason Healey Data Forensics/Incident Response,Policy
55 The Enemy Within: Modern Supply Chain Attacks Eric Doerr Data Forensics/Incident Response,Enterprise
56 PicoDMA: DMA Attacks at Your Fingertips Ben Blaxill,Joel Sandin Platform Security,Hardware/Embedded
57 API-Induced SSRF: How Apple Pay Scattered Vulnerabilities Across the Web Joshua Maddux Applied Security,Web AppSec
58 Bounty Operations: Best Practices and Common Pitfalls to Avoid in the First 6-12 Months Josh Jay,Greg Caswell,Shannon Sabens,Jarek Stanley Bug Bounty
59 The Most Secure Browser? Pwning Chrome from 2016 to 2019 Gengming Liu,Zhen Feng Exploit Development,Platform Security
60 Breaking Encrypted Databases: Generic Attacks on Range Queries Marie-Sarah Lacharite Cryptography
61 DevSecOps : What, Why and How Anant Shrivastava Security Development Lifecycle,Applied Security
62 Finding Our Path: How We’re Trying to Improve Active Directory Security介绍 BloodHound,BloodHound 将获取 Domain Admin 方式以地图方式展示出来,并且能计算出最佳路径,大大提高了域渗透的效率 Will Schroeder,Rohan Vazarkar,Andy Robbins Enterprise
63 All the 4G Modules Could be Hacked百度安全实验室,移动网络 4G 安全攻击面 Zhang Ye,Zheng Huang,Haikuo Xie,Shupeng Gao Hardware/Embedded,Internet of Things
64 Operational Templates for State-Level Attack and Collective Defense of Countries Robert Fanelli,Gregory Conti Applied Security,Network Defense
65 Process Injection Techniques - Gotta Catch Them AllWindows 10 x64 进程注入技术总结(有开源代码),CFG 和 CIG 对各种技术的影响 Amit Klein,Itzik Kotler Exploit Development,Malware
66 Rogue7: Rogue Engineering-Station Attacks on S7 Simatic PLCs Eli Biham,Avishai Wool,Sara Bitan,Uriel Malin Reverse Engineering,Smart Grid/Industrial Security
67 Behind the Scenes of Intel Security and Manageability Engine Yanai Moyal,Shai Hasarfaty Applied Security,Hardware/Embedded
68 Women in Security: Building a Female InfoSec Community in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan Hazel Yen,Suhee Kang,Asuka Nakajima Community
69 Cyber Insurance 101 for CISO’s Jeffrey Smith Cyber Insurance
70 0-days & Mitigations: Roadways to Exploit and Secure Connected BMW Cars Hendrik Schweppe,Michael Gruffke,Wenkai Zhang,Aohui Wang,Zhiqiang Cai Hardware/Embedded,Internet of Things
71 Behind the scenes of iOS and Mac Security Ivan Krstić Mobile,Platform Security
72 HTTP Desync Attacks: Smashing into the Cell Next Door James Kettle Web AppSec
73 Exploiting Qualcomm WLAN and Modem Over The Air腾讯安全 Blade Team,利用 WiFi 漏洞 RCE Peter Pi,Xiling Gong Exploit Development,Mobile
74 Firmware Cartography: Charting the Course for Modern Server Compromise Dionysus Blazakis,Nathan Keltner Platform Security,Hardware/Embedded
75 Ghidra - Journey from Classified NSA Tool to Open Source Chris Delikat,Brian Knighton Reverse Engineering
76 I’m Unique, Just Like You: Human Side-Channels and Their Implications for Security and Privacy Matt Wixey Applied Security,Human Factors
77 Infighting Among Russian Security Services in the Cyber Sphere Kimberly Zenz Policy
78 It’s Not What You Know, It’s What You Do: How Data Can Shape Security Engagement Aika Sengirbay,Masha Sedova Human Factors
79 Managing for Success: Maintaining a Healthy Bug Bounty Program Long Term Chloe Brown Bug Bounty
80 Practical Approach to Automate the Discovery and Eradication of Open-Source Software Vulnerabilities at Scale Aladdin Almubayed Web AppSec,Security Development Lifecycle
81 New Vulnerabilities in 5G Networks5G 商用网络的漏洞,漏洞可被利用实现中间人劫持和定向攻击 Ravishankar Borgaonkar,Altaf Shaik Network Defense,Mobile
82 Predictive Vulnerability Scoring System Jay Jacobs,Michael Roytman Network Defense,Enterprise
83 Selling 0-Days to Governments and Offensive Security Companies对 0-Day 市场买卖交易双方的介绍(和 ISC2019 的相同) Maor Shwartz,Maor Shwartz Policy,Community,Policy,Community
84 Zombie Ant Farming: Practical Tips for Playing Hide and Seek with Linux EDRs Dimitry Snezhkov Applied Security,Malware
85 Automation Techniques in C++ Reverse Engineering Rolf Rolles Reverse Engineering
86 Backdooring Hardware Devices by Injecting Malicious Payloads on Microcontrollers Sheila Ayelen Berta Reverse Engineering,Hardware/Embedded
87 Sensor and Process Fingerprinting in Industrial Control Systems Mujeeb Ahmed Chuadhry,Martin Ochoa Applied Security,Smart Grid/Industrial Security
88 Critical Zero Days Remotely Compromise the Most Popular Real-Time OS Dor Zusman,Ben Seri Network Defense,Internet of Things
89 Fantastic Red-Team Attacks and How to Find Them Ross Wolf,Casey Smith Applied Security,Data Forensics/Incident Response
90 The Path Less Traveled: Abusing Kubernetes Defaults Duffie Cooley,Ian Coldwater Platform Security
91 Inside the Apple T2 Jeremy Erickson,Mikhail Davidov Hardware/Embedded,Platform Security
92 Chip.Fail - Glitching the Silicon of the Connected World Josh Datko,Thomas Roth Internet of Things,Hardware/Embedded
93 Making Big Things Better the Dead Cow Way Luke Benfey,Christien Rioux,Peiter Mudge Zatko,Joseph Menn Community
94 Come Join the CAFSA - Continuous Automated Firmware Security Analysis固件分析工具 FwAnalyzer 的详细介绍,针对文件系统的静态分析,并不针对漏洞发现,会检测一些文件的权限,是否包含一些安全机制等,并形成一个分析报告。 Collin Mulliner Hardware/Embedded,Security Development Lifecycle
95 Preventing Authentication Bypass: A Tale of Two Researchers Ravi Jaiswal,Ron Chan,Terry Zhang Applied Security,Security Development Lifecycle
96 Securing the System: A Deep Dive into Reversing Android Pre-Installed AppsGoogle Project Zero,Android 系统预装 App 的逆向深度分析 Maddie Stone Reverse Engineering,Mobile
97 Towards Discovering Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities in Apple FaceTime盘古,Apple FaceTime 的架构、相关攻击面以及一些漏洞 Tielei Wang,Tao Huang Exploit Development
98 Finding a Needle in an Encrypted Haystack: Leveraging Cryptographic Abilities to Detect the Most Prevalent Attacks on Active Directory Yaron Zinar,Marina Simakov Network Defense,Enterprise
99 A Compendium of Container Escapes一篇针对容器逃逸的概述,主要内容包括了 linux 内核容器基础,执行逃逸,docker、RunC等容器的漏洞以及内核漏洞利用的研究 Nick Freeman,Brandon Edwards Exploit Development,Platform Security
100 Adventures in the Underland: The CQForensic Toolkit as a Unique Weapon Against Hackers Paula Januszkiewicz Data Forensics/Incident Response
101 Attacking iPhone XS Max这个议题介绍了 UNIX socket bind 操作因临时 unlock 引发的竞争条件,最终导致了一个 UAF 漏洞,作者介绍了该漏洞在 A12 之前和之后的漏洞利用方法 Hao Xu,Tielei Wang Exploit Development,Mobile
102 Infiltrating Corporate Intranet Like NSA - Pre-auth RCE on Leading SSL VPNs Meh Chang,Orange Tsai Web AppSec,Enterprise
103 Everybody be Cool, This is a Robbery! Jean-Baptiste Bédrune,Gabriel Campana Hardware/Embedded
104 Hacking Ten Million Useful Idiots: Online Propaganda as a Socio-Technical Security Project Pablo Breuer,David Perlman Policy,Human Factors
105 Integration of Cyber Insurance Into A Risk Management Program Jake Kouns Cyber Insurance
106 HostSplit: Exploitable Antipatterns in Unicode Normalization Jonathan Birch Applied Security,Web AppSec
107 Lessons From Two Years of Crypto Audits Jean-Philippe Aumasson Security Development Lifecycle,Cryptography
108 Securing Apps in the Open-By-Default Cloud Michael Wozniak,Winston Howes Enterprise,Security Development Lifecycle
109 Look, No Hands! — The Remote, Interaction-less Attack Surface of the iPhone Natalie Silvanovich Mobile,Exploit Development
110 The Discovery of a Government Malware and an Unexpected Spy Scandal Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai Mobile,Malware
111 MITRE ATT&CK: The Play at Home Edition Ryan Kovar,Katie Nickels Data Forensics/Incident Response,Applied Security
112 The Future of ATO Philip Martin Web AppSec,Applied Security
113 Breaking Samsung’s ARM TrustZone Joffrey Guilbon,Alexandre Adamski,Maxime Peterlin Hardware/Embedded,Mobile
114 Responding to a Cyber Attack with Missiles Mikko Hypponen Policy
115 Worm Charming: Harvesting Malware Lures for Fun and Profit Pedram Amini Applied Security,Malware
116 Command Injection in F5 iRules Christoffer Jerkeby Web AppSec,Network Defense
117 Debug for Bug: Crack and Hack Apple Core by Itself - Fun and Profit to Debug and Fuzz Apple Kernel by lldb Script使用苹果自带的 LLDB Script fuzz macOS 系统内核 Moony Li,Lilang Wu Platform Security
118 Arm IDA and Cross Check: Reversing the Boeing 787’s Core Network Ruben Santamarta Hardware/Embedded,Reverse Engineering
119 Exploring the New World : Remote Exploitation of SQLite and Curl HuiYu Wu,YuXiang Li,Wenxiang Qian Internet of Things,Exploit Development
120 Controlled Chaos: The Inevitable Marriage of DevOps & Security Nicole Forsgren,Kelly Shortridge Applied Security,Security Development Lifecycle
121 How to Detect that Your Domains are Being Abused for Phishing by Using DNS Karl Lovink,Arnold Hölzel Policy,Applied Security
122 Every Security Team is a Software Team Now Dino Dai Zovi Keynote
123 A Decade After Bleichenbacher ‘06, RSA Signature Forgery Still Works Sze Yiu Chau Web AppSec,Cryptography